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Managed Email Services

Get reliable and robust business communications through managed email services
We will configure and manage your email services so that your business communications will be solid and dependable and enhance your organization's performance.


In the competitive business environment, it is crucial to have stable and secure business communications to connect with your employees, customers, and partners and gain an advantage over your competitors.

With more and more people working remotely, more advanced communications methods such as web meetings have become the norm. Email deliverability and secure communications have become critical components for the smooth running of business operations. Advanced communications services such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace 365 & cloud phone services have become highly sought after.

As a business, it is essential to display a positive corporate image to your customers or patrons. Many potential customers often decide to try your business by giving your company a quick inspection. So if your business emails come from personal email accounts with ambiguous domain names or spam, this does not give you an excellent first impression.

To combat situations such as these, utilizing a managed email hosting service can give you both an uninterrupted and steadfast communication service as well as a respectable outlook for your business. Web Studio Florida will configure and run an email hosting service tailor-made for your requirements so that you won’t have to worry about your business communications ever again.



Low Setup and Management Costs

Managed Email Hosting (MEH) services are more cost-effective, more secure, and business-grade than services provided by free email providers, domain name registrars, or in-house managed email servers. We will take care of your initial setup, email migration, troubleshooting, and maintenance by corresponding directly with you and the service provider.

    ➤  A Secure, Business Grade Email Option
    ➤  More Cost Effective than In-house Email Servers
    ➤  Setup and Full Configuration Conducted
    ➤  Troubleshooting & Maintenance provided by Us
Enhanced Business Communications

The best MEH Services offer various productivity tools designed especially for small businesses. For example, in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, you get built-in conferencing solutions with screen sharing, chat tools, cloud-based file storage options, and document writing. Your vanilla email provider cannot provide such bonus features.

    ➤  Host of Productivity Tools Available
    ➤  Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace
    ➤  Conferencing Solutions with Screen Sharing
    ➤  Cloud-Based File Storage Options
Service flexibility and Scalability

A good email service should offer flexibility and scalability to a company. When a company expands its workforce, the service should be able to accommodate that growth. The best services have interfaces on both desktops and mobile phones, offering different avenues to use their services and providing ease of use to your workforce.

    ➤  Offer Flexibility and Scalability
    ➤  Service Expansion with Growing Workforce
    ➤  Available on both Desktops & Mobiles
    ➤  Ease of Use to Your Workforce
Cloud-based Phone Systems

A cloud-based business phone system is a phone service that enables you to make calls over the internet and store data in the cloud. These systems are cost-efficient and reliable, offering various features analog systems do not have.

    ➤  Make Calls Over The Internet
    ➤  Cloud-based Data Storage
    ➤  Cost-efficient and Reliable
    ➤  A Host of Features Available

Comprehensive Customer Support

Communication issues can ruin your daily business operations. Not being able to access your emails for a day or even an hour can be disastrous. With Web Studio Florida, Managed Email Services, you will not have to worry about such problems. We will jump into action to resolve your issues quickly.

    ➤  Stable Communication Service
    ➤  We intercept any Issues
    ➤  Instant Notice to Service Provider
    ➤  Quick and Efficient Resolution
Data Security and Data Loss Protection

Cyber-attacks, such as phishing, email spoofing, hacking, and ransomware, haunt most email services. A competent service provider will employ security measures that will safeguard your data and provide various forms of data backup and recovery solutions as well in case of accidental file & email deletion, or data corruption issues.

    ➤  Cyberattack Threats Present
    ➤  Security Measures Enforced
    ➤  Data Safeguards Employed
    ➤  Data Backup and Recovery Solutions

Contact Web Studio Florida today to get your own Managed Email Hosting account that will help make your business communications stable and secure while enhancing the reputation of your business.

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